Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Hair and Drinks

Bobby pins are my new best friends. Well, they're on my payroll at least. I got myself a haircut *applauds*! Actually, this is a minor achievement because the last time I cut my hair short (a bit above shoulder-length) I decided that I would grow my hair out. And grow it I did. It was to my mid-back- I got it cut almost a week ago. Sadly, it wasn't quite long enough to donate to Locks of Love...a few more inches would have done it., not alcoholic ones. Although I do know some of them by name alone, simply because I read a lot. Most of the places that alcohol comes up in are actually usually fanfiction stories, but the occasional book (or series) also has the characters drink a little. No, my nonexistent (XD) followers, I mean regular drinks. I detest soda/pop/coke/whatever you want to call it. (We studied the breakdown of what people call soda/pop/coke/etc. in the United States in my Human Geography (AP!) class, and it was actually quite interesting.) It's because of the fizz...the most I'll drink is some orange soda, and even then I like it a ton more if it's gone flat. What I drink is mainly water and milk- not mixed, of course; those are just the drinks I drink most often. Oh, and hot cocoa/chocolate.
I don't want to become one of those 'regulars' at a coffee shop (like Starbucks) when I grow up so that I become a caffeine addict and I simply cannot function without it. That having been said, I do enjoy stopping at Starbucks every now-and-then. My favorite (meaning the drink that I've liked the whole TWO times I've had it) is the mocha cappucino. I've gotten a drink there a grand total of- wait for it-.....three times. The last time, I tried a caramel macchiato (sp?) and it wasn't bad per se, but I didn't love it. They do have good cookies, however. So because I don't want to have to go to CA in the future, I tried tea. I started with green tea, and that's not bad, but I don't love it. I'm trying to branch out and find some drink that I like, that I just click with, no matter how odd that sounds. Green tea was okay- not amazing, not bad- so I'm still trying... I've found that I still like Indian coffee! Because...I'm Indian...from I'm Asian...but not Oriental... Anyway, Indian coffee (the way my grandma and mom make it) is different- it's pretty much really weak coffee with tons of milk and some sugar. Because of that, I don't think I'm much of a coffee person- on the occasions that I drink coffee here (usually with my parents at home on weekend mornings), I can't drink it if it's strong. Don't even talk to me about black.
So for right now, I think I'll just stick to water, but I hope I'll find some little niche for myself later! One that hopefully does not fall under alcohol. I really don't understand why people love to get drunk. In my opinion, I don't think that when I grow up, I'll be someone who drinks a lot. In my vision, the only alcohol I'd drink somewhat frequently would be a glass of wine with a good book. And even then, it'd probably only be grape juice XD!

Vampire Academy. Read it, now. If you enjoy supernatural stuff that isn't like Twilight, check this out. When I started reading it, I was very pleasantly surprised that the focus (ie, main character) was NOT the vampire princess, it was in fact her guardian. It was like a fresh breath of air rushing through the used filters of point of view...and we have a winner for weirdest metaphor! Because yes, a simile IS a metaphor. It's just a specific kind of metaphor that uses 'like' or 'as'. I'm still waiting on bated breath to get Spirit Bound- I'm in the requests queue for it, but I'm fifth...and I can't wait. Love, badassness, romance, kick-ass girls, this book has it all complete with elemental powers and evil bad guys!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Heat and Ice

You ready? Drum roll please...oh, and please only roll on the actual drum- none of the whole 'tap the rim' stuff, please. I took...a cold shower. No, not for that reason, you pervs! It's so hot, and who really wants to go swimming alone? So I decided to be daring and take an 'ice-cold' shower...although it wasn't ice-cold so much as pleasantly chilly.
Random tidbit of today: I'm currently trying to write a Bleach crack!fic and one of the prominent 'couples' that I'll be shipping (albeit very citrus found in MY stories! Besides, you need experience to write those. Either experience, or a very good imagination ;) and I only have the latter...but it's focused in other aspects of writing.) will be Momo Hinamori and Toshiro Hitsugaya...hence the title of this blog post, Heat and Ice.
See you later! Confer with Hyourinmaru and Tobiume!

Friday, July 2, 2010


When I hear songs, I think about what the singer was trying to show us through the music. Most songs are driven by love, whether it's love returned or unrequited love, and it makes me think that most artists seem hypocritical because all of their songs are driven by love. If that's not really the sign of a fickle heart, then what is? Or at least it's a sign that not all love is real. That's definitely what they mean. And then I think about how you have to believe in love to fall in it. Or something like that. What do I know? I'm just a girl who hasn't done anything with anyone- I still haven't had my first kiss yet.

Only me...

I'm the only person I know who forgot about butter. Once, I was trying to make chocolate chip cookies from scratch and the recipe advised me to 'melt' the butter down slightly. So I stuck it in the microwave and heated it up...and forgot it in the bowl... I baked them but the cookies were dry and powdery on the inside. I threw the whole batch away and didn't realize what had happened until my mother opened the microwave up and asked, "Why is there so much butter in here?"
This came back to me because I decided to make some more today ;)
I'm a total Runescape nerd...or at least I was. I still am, but I've kind of lost time for it during the school year. I made time for the holiday quests, though. I've never missed one since I've joined, except for the Easter one...I was busy with AP studying...Oh, and I haven't been a member...yet. My reasoning is, once I'm done leveling with the stuff that I can do, then I'll upgrade. Although I've already finished all of the free-player quests.
Ha, I'm typing all of this while video-chatting with a friend of mine...She doesn't know I'm doing this. We're both working on science fair, but I think I can handle multitasking.