Thursday, August 26, 2010


Well, it's the fourth day of school and I'm already thinking ahead to our next break...more on that later. I know I said I'd update- but come on, I had two quizzes on the THIRD DAY and I'm expecting THREE more tomorrow. Two of them are in AP courses...WHAP and EHAP. APEH? I don't know the acronym for European History.

I'd also like to update on this- screwing with people and their minds. Just a couple of minutes ago, I checked up on Facebook to see if my friend-and-science-fair-partner replied when I saw something potentially-mind-screwy. (Incidentally, she had replid :] ) What I saw was a post (wall-post? Who cares?) of/from two of my classmates. It said 'vneck friday!' so I'm guessing that they're going to wear V-neck on Friday (tomorrow). I might just decide to wear one too, juuust to see what they'll do.
Now I must go from the sadly-unsatisfactory post- I still have reading to do...sigh...
PS: yes, I know that this is nowhere NEAR as cool as the ways that oh, say Aizen or Gin or President Snow screws with people's minds, but this is as far as I can do! This and Omegle ;]

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

INCEPTION. Yes, you saw that right. I'm incepting RIGHT NOW.

I saw Inception. It was amazing. Amazingly complex, but it had just the right touch of emotion and emotional stress to guarantee a great film. I loved it...more on that tomorrow...

Monday, August 16, 2010

Bleach, Cake, and Fanfiction: not in that order

Well, I've recently been introduced to TLC. The channel, not the actual TLC- I've had plenty of that in my loving childhood. Although I'm told that the channel also stands for Tender Loving Care.
I'm not sure why. It would make a whole lot more sense to me if it stood for Tasty Luscious Cakes, because that's what the majority of their shows seem to be about. Okay, okay, two shows, but they're the only two I've seen so far. Cake Boss and Ultimate Cake Off are both two really interesting shows; Cake Boss is a show that videotapes the bakery and lives of Carlo's Bakery (Carlo's=Italian. Carlos=Spanish. Or Mexican.) and the people in it. The main character, the Cake 'Boss', is the owner and he's quite short-tempered at times- he's yelled at the workers there twice in the two episodes I've seen. And the workers are all related to him somehow...his sisters, brother, brothers-in-law, heck, I think even his kids show up sometimes. Ultimate Cake Off is...well...a cake-off. A competition of three teams, it's actually pretty fun to see the outlandish cakes they create. Warning: these shows will make you crave cake. Very badly. Enough to contemplate walking to a Wal Mart to buy some cake, even after you've done your daily gym visit.

On to Bleach...I've recently become obsessed with it, and Toshiro Hitsugaya. Also, I can't find the keyboard shortcut for the accent mark in his name- the 'o'. It irks me. (It's not for lack of trying. ♀♪♂♫☼►◄89◄►◄ look! A fish!)
Anyway, I've become obsessed with our very own favorite 'frozen passion' Shiro-chan. And those other characters that can somehow be linked to him, such as Rangiku Matsumoto (more on her "death" later) and Momo Hinamori (again, more on "death" later), and even Yachiru Kusajishi. Apparently, this is an actual pairing that people write for...and even more surprisingly for me, a random little plot-Chappy of these two interacting turned into a slightly romantic oneshot. Possible future chapters...if I ever get to posting the first one.
Alright, let's get down to dying.
Although I'm usually WAY against character death (my reactions on Hiyori's status and Rangiku's 'deceased-ness' being proof), Momo's supposed "death" at Toshiro's hands actually would be somewhat acceptable to me. Face facts- they grew up as siblings almost, and even though I am/was an occasional HitsuHina shipper, it's also fun to pair him with Karin (oh, how we read into one little anime filler episode). Oh, that and the whole 'I'm attacking you to kill you because my traitorous captain [who I believed was utterly innocent] told me to attack you' thing. Momo seems a bit...let's say it...a lot insane. That, and how she came to be impaled upon Hyourinmaru [again with the elusive accent!] after her [again, traitorous] captain used his damn hypnosis [I really think he had it coming with Shinji's shikai] to make her childhood best friend stab her. Through the chest. Apparently killing her. Well, the only reason I'm okay with this is because Momo was in all honesty, a bit annoying (but cute...before the whole insanity thing...), and if she dies, there's SUCH a nice opportunity to write Toshiro angst!

Well, as I was perusing the Bleach Wiki (all Bleach fans should check it out. It's amazingly thorough...but as stated in this paragraph, inaccurate at times.), I happened upon the page for Tenth Division. Imagine my horror when under Notable Members, it lists Rangiku as former lieutenant, and says she died at Gin's hands. That, I just didn't believe. Apparently Rangiku fans were so enraged (or just confused...) with this that an entire forum thread was created on Rangiku's status. Is she dead, is she alive, missing in action, dying, etc... Well, that just didn't make sense. Gin wouldn't kill her off...and we don't even know if she's dead. We have Gin's word for it, and face it- Gin's a lying, manipulative bastard who's been bastard-y since he was but a small shinigami challenging Hirako-taichou's and Aizen-fukitaichou's sanseki. Yes, I'm aware how that sounds. I wouldn't be surprised if he was a cheater too. I bet he cheated on Ran with Halibel. Not Nel- Nnoitra has dibs XD

Fanfiction, as always, is high on my list of favorites. Favorite site, favorite stuff to read, favorite place-to-waste-time, etc. I have two major fanfictions to recommend for just being so dang funny that I've laughed in public (albeit softly) and I've smiled mysteriously (or as my darling mother says, oddly) for a long time...

Anyway, the first one is: Unexpected Guests, by Moczo. This has its own TV Tropes page on Fanfic Recommendations, and the humor in this fic has a page for itself. That's how funny it is. It focuses on Toshiro Hitsugaya (another plus!) and because I'm simply too lazy to link it, go look it up.

The second one is Sexy Captain's This is rated M though, for some scenes of lemony goodness, but it's also very funny at times. Main premise? Female lieutenants think that having tons of reiatsu/reiryoku shoots your sex drive into the ground. Obviously, all the males freak. Includes some common pairings (Yoruichi/Kisuke, Rukia/Renji, Shunsui/Nanao) but there are some almost crack!pairings (Byakuya/Yachiru, Soifon/Zaraki, Izuru/Momo).

I leave you on that note, and I hope the respective authors don't mind that I've recommended their fics without asking...although why they would mind, I don't know.


Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Yeah, yeah, I know what whining and complaining will get- impassioned claims of how it's 'not that hard' and 'I did it too' from parents...
They don't get it. They don't understand how high school works. There are distinct cliques in school, and if you try, heaven help you, breach the gaps (bit too dramatic) and try to mingle, at the very least you'll feel uncomfortable.

If you knew me and you were a 'typical' high school kid, you'd probably be scoffing at me or wanting to knock some sense into me for thinking that MY life is bad, or that I have problems. It's true, I don't have anything that important compared to some issues that people face- I'm not a druggie, I'm not a drunk, I don't smoke, and I don't have any eating disorders. I'm probably what you'd think of as a sickeningly sweet, studying instead of partying, nerd-kid who plans to go to a great college and become an astronaut or the president of the United States. You'd be half right. I do study instead of party, because I don't know where the parties are held. I've never even heard of a party in my neighborhood. I don't know if that's because my city's too "good" or whatever, or because I'm so high on the 'suck-up' grapevine that I'm not even in the same zipcode as what's usually called 'trouble', 'troubled', or 'shady'.

I'm one of those kids who still swears that she'll never pick up a cigarette, won't ever do drugs, and won't touch a drop of alcohol till her twenty-first birthday. Same group as the "prudes" who don't screw around and hook up with people, the ones who are still virgins and are 'waiting for marraige'. And you know? It's probably true. I probably won't do drugs, smoke, or drink, and I'm sure as hell not going to have one-night stands, at least in high school and hopefully college, because that's how stuff works for me. If I ever wanted to get drugs, even though 'studies' show that drug is on the rise, I wouldn't know where the hell to get them. Parties? The only parties I've been to are where parents plan and invite guests, and the kids sort of tag along.

[This is the definition of a 'brown party' because it's something that only Indians (and South Asians) do, to the extent of my, my friends', and even the preps (they're Asian, of course)' knowledge. No brown kid (such as myself) would throw a party without supervision, because we're just like that. Our parents don't go out for days on end, we don't have a seemingly-endless supply of booze, and we aren't invited to the people's parties that do. Of course, all of what I know about parties are from reading about them- I know, LAME.]

I'm firmly against smoking, because I don't want to pollute my lungs and body; even this probably sounds weak, loser-ish, and pansy-ish. And alcohol? I'm such a 'sheltered' kid (for lack of a better word; I'd rather not call myself a loser too many times) or loser (there I go...) in 'your' eyes, because my parents, when they ever have drinks in the house (limited to some wine or champagne, maybe some beer during the Super Bowl or something), leave it around. Because they trust me. And even right now, when I'm alone at home, I could just get a chair so I could reach the higher shelf of the cabinet- it's not hidden or anything, I'm just too short- and drink myself silly. But I won't. Because I have morals (not that anyone who drinks doesn't- this is just my POV), because my parents trust me, and I cherish the trust and the way that I, even if no one else knows, know that I'm a good person.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Vampires Suck- good review

For the first time in SO long, I saw a movie that made me laugh, really laugh out loud. And this was just a trailer. I felt the need to blog about it, and I'm definitely going to go see it on the 18th.

It's called 'Vampires Suck' made by the 'Guys Who Couldn't Sit Through Another Vampire Movie'. It's hilarious. Go check it out.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I've really changed in this past year. I have two categories, before and after.
I read, didn't write so much.
Didn't really listen to music.
Didn't swear- not that I do now...
Still had that stupid 'little-girl' "fantasy" of getting married and having a kid.
I used to be the nice one, the one who always told people the good stuff. Okay, not that much. But you know those little 'feedback' questions? I'd always answer yes, it was helpful, yes, I enjoyed the tour, stuff like that. Now I'm a cynical, jaded person.
I still read a ton- I just write a lot too now.
Don't swear still- but I do occasionally swear in my head. In my opinion, there isn't that much that's worth swearing...if that makes sense. See, to me, having a minor argument isn't worth shouting 'fuck you' seven times, and getting mad at your homework/shirking it and procrastinating aren't good excuses for repeating 'fuck this shit' all over the school. But I'm not some innocent, naive girl. I'm sure my mind's pretty corrupted.
I actually listen to music now, and it's a pretty varied thing on my iTouch.
I now have a future view of myself living in an apartment either alone or with a good friend/roommate and being an old maid (I have lost all faith in my generation. Completely.)
As I said, now I'm cynical, jaded, angsty even. I used to only ever read happy, funny stuff. Now I gravitate towards heartbreak and tragedy, bittersweet pain over gushy, saccharine too-good-to-be-true love. That's not to say I don't like fluff anymore- I still enjoy fluff and humor, but I have broadened my horizons quite a bit.

Something's up with either my laptop or Blogger :[ but thank GOD and thank all of you people who work at Blogger who came up with the Autosave option. That last super-long blog post sent me an error message, and I was so annoyed at the thought that it had been eaten up by the Internet.

Speaking of, I need some Chapstick. No, nobody actually mentioned Chapstick, but I do need mine, out of my drawer of the nightstand. Good night to all, or rather good morning- it's 12:15! I don't know how I'm going to get used to sleeping at freaking 9:30 instead of 1:30.


Well, a new school year's rolling around, which means another year of high school for me. I'm not at the super-hard years yet; I hope this year'll be better than last year. It's pretty obvious what grade I'd be in, but I'd still rather not say it openly. Suffice it to say that I'm being my paranoid self and worrying my brains out about college even though I still have time. It's mostly because I have absolutely NO idea what I want to be when I grow up. People will be like 'lawyer' or 'doctor', but in all honestly, I've met ONE person who knew what she was talking about when she said 'I'm going to be a neurosurgeon'. She has her life planned out pretty much, and she even knows that by the time she's done with her residency, she'll be around 37.

Me on the other hand, I have no idea about anything. I only know that I have an 'engineer-y' state of mind, which I like. I like math a lot and I have an aptitude for physics (I don't really know how much I'd like the course, I haven't taken it yet) and my career aptitude testing results were actually pretty satisfactory. My first career options was engineer and my second? Fiction writer. I can live with that. I love reading, and I love writing too, especially fiction. I detest prompted writing- for standardized testing, and AP tests, and pretty much all school stuff sucks- the prompts are so freaking stupid. Poetic license? Please. Everyone pretty much makes up 'personal situations' and stuff like that. It works for the SAT too- for the example, making up a 'personal experience' is really easy-not that I'm advocating it, but it is pretty simple. And I already have a pretty big vocabulary from reading- the SAT prep course I'm taking (again, pretty early) is mainly for strategizing. Hey, it bumped my score up a hundred points in just over a month- it might actually be helpful. And that's just the first year.

Any resolutions for the new school year? I asked myself that- I'd already come up with a few. Finish all work using time usefully was one, and Actually read the freaking textbook pages was another big one... In AP classes, a surprising amount of the stuff you learn is what you get from reading the textbook. Certainly in the two I was in this past year were like that, even if I didn't get credit for one of them. My school has a two-year course that gives you English credit the first year and then WHAP (World History AP, what a joy) the second year, even though technically you're taking an AP course both years. You only take the WHAP test the end of the second year, though. One AP test last year was quite enough for me; so nerve-wracking that I've pledged to pay attention the entire time I'm in those classes this year so there aren't any more freak-out cram sessions with two best friends the night before, although I'm convinced that that helped us a ton.

So I just realized that I pretty much relaxed and whiled away my entire summer, and although it was a relaxing change of pace, I'm kicking myself now because I have a ton of stuff to do in two and a half weeks. By stuff I mean primarily two online courses I signed up for over the freaking summer to get some credits for my diploma requirements...and I've kind of (really, really freaking badly) shirked them, and I need to finish at least one tomorrow. Half the course...actually, only about four or five units, but still! At least I don't have school to deal with yet...and the beginning of school is actually pretty fun, simply because it's so freaking easy! It's the annoying spiel of teachers trying to get to know you, the whole slightly awkward 'hey, haven't seen you in almost three've you been?', and the whole 'God, we're already _*insert grade*_!'

On another note, I've picked up two more animes- Vampire Knight and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. Before the questions, it's FMA Brotherhood because a couple of nice YouTubers replied to my comment on a video and told me to watch Brotherhood instead of FMA because it actually follows the manga. I'm only on episode four of FMA B and ten of VK, and I already developed plot bunnies for them! True, there's no way I'd actually post them, because I haven't even gotten through the series, but still- the capacity for angst and introspection shocked me. After one volume of VK and two volumes of FMA (I was so surprised and happy that my public library had them! It's upgrading and apparently trying to get with the times- they're shipping in tons of manga and anime releases by Viz Media!), I set out to watch the animes. Apparently VK anime stops after two seasons, but the manga's still ongoing, which means I'll be watching and reading- speaking of, I got volumes two through five of VK earlier today from the library! Sadly, my library doesn't seem to be getting recent releases from Viz, just the ones from a little while ago, so I might have trouble reading it. On the worse side, tons of online manga/manga scanlation sites just shut down! OneManga, I'm glaring at you. Yeah, yeah, I know the publishers don't like it- neither do I!

*smirk* On the bright side, I still found one that hasn't stopped posting XD

I must go, the plot bunnies in my head are calling to me! Er...I'd say they're squeaking, but they're actually playing little snippets of writing to me that I have to get down somewhere. Why bunnies, anyway? Rephrasing- snippets of potential stories are floating around my head.

Last thing- I'm trying to pick up Japanese. Although I know that it's implausible for me to learn it completely, with verbs and conjugations (like we learn languages in school for the foreign language credit), I'd at least like to learn some basic phrases, and I'm kind of on my way! I found an online thing that'll teach me for free! Well, it's linked to my public library and you need a card to join it, but I have my card, so it's basically free and really, really good!

Actual last thing- random fact about me, once I had to type in my barcode for my library card; I was doing that whole 'look at a number, punch it in' thing, and when I looked up, I realized I hadn't clicked in the box. I was understandably annoyed, and then and there vowed to memorize it. I did, that day. I also memorized my mom's and my dad's cards.


It's driving me mad. Yes, I'm aware of how British that sounds. But summer's almost over, and while I'm excited for next year, I'm not that excited for school.

More importantly, to me right now, my iTouch is dead and I seem to have lost the charger. Ugh, I'm just frustrated that all of my notes (and therefore, stories/fanfictions that I've written there) are STILL inaccesible for about "5 to 7 business days" from yesterday.

I'll probably update again in a few hours, after dropping by the library (picking up holds and dropping stuff off...) and hitting the gym. I do so wish I had a punching bag at home- and I'd know how to use it properly, I'm in martial arts...

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Hair and Drinks

Bobby pins are my new best friends. Well, they're on my payroll at least. I got myself a haircut *applauds*! Actually, this is a minor achievement because the last time I cut my hair short (a bit above shoulder-length) I decided that I would grow my hair out. And grow it I did. It was to my mid-back- I got it cut almost a week ago. Sadly, it wasn't quite long enough to donate to Locks of Love...a few more inches would have done it., not alcoholic ones. Although I do know some of them by name alone, simply because I read a lot. Most of the places that alcohol comes up in are actually usually fanfiction stories, but the occasional book (or series) also has the characters drink a little. No, my nonexistent (XD) followers, I mean regular drinks. I detest soda/pop/coke/whatever you want to call it. (We studied the breakdown of what people call soda/pop/coke/etc. in the United States in my Human Geography (AP!) class, and it was actually quite interesting.) It's because of the fizz...the most I'll drink is some orange soda, and even then I like it a ton more if it's gone flat. What I drink is mainly water and milk- not mixed, of course; those are just the drinks I drink most often. Oh, and hot cocoa/chocolate.
I don't want to become one of those 'regulars' at a coffee shop (like Starbucks) when I grow up so that I become a caffeine addict and I simply cannot function without it. That having been said, I do enjoy stopping at Starbucks every now-and-then. My favorite (meaning the drink that I've liked the whole TWO times I've had it) is the mocha cappucino. I've gotten a drink there a grand total of- wait for it-.....three times. The last time, I tried a caramel macchiato (sp?) and it wasn't bad per se, but I didn't love it. They do have good cookies, however. So because I don't want to have to go to CA in the future, I tried tea. I started with green tea, and that's not bad, but I don't love it. I'm trying to branch out and find some drink that I like, that I just click with, no matter how odd that sounds. Green tea was okay- not amazing, not bad- so I'm still trying... I've found that I still like Indian coffee! Because...I'm Indian...from I'm Asian...but not Oriental... Anyway, Indian coffee (the way my grandma and mom make it) is different- it's pretty much really weak coffee with tons of milk and some sugar. Because of that, I don't think I'm much of a coffee person- on the occasions that I drink coffee here (usually with my parents at home on weekend mornings), I can't drink it if it's strong. Don't even talk to me about black.
So for right now, I think I'll just stick to water, but I hope I'll find some little niche for myself later! One that hopefully does not fall under alcohol. I really don't understand why people love to get drunk. In my opinion, I don't think that when I grow up, I'll be someone who drinks a lot. In my vision, the only alcohol I'd drink somewhat frequently would be a glass of wine with a good book. And even then, it'd probably only be grape juice XD!

Vampire Academy. Read it, now. If you enjoy supernatural stuff that isn't like Twilight, check this out. When I started reading it, I was very pleasantly surprised that the focus (ie, main character) was NOT the vampire princess, it was in fact her guardian. It was like a fresh breath of air rushing through the used filters of point of view...and we have a winner for weirdest metaphor! Because yes, a simile IS a metaphor. It's just a specific kind of metaphor that uses 'like' or 'as'. I'm still waiting on bated breath to get Spirit Bound- I'm in the requests queue for it, but I'm fifth...and I can't wait. Love, badassness, romance, kick-ass girls, this book has it all complete with elemental powers and evil bad guys!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Heat and Ice

You ready? Drum roll please...oh, and please only roll on the actual drum- none of the whole 'tap the rim' stuff, please. I took...a cold shower. No, not for that reason, you pervs! It's so hot, and who really wants to go swimming alone? So I decided to be daring and take an 'ice-cold' shower...although it wasn't ice-cold so much as pleasantly chilly.
Random tidbit of today: I'm currently trying to write a Bleach crack!fic and one of the prominent 'couples' that I'll be shipping (albeit very citrus found in MY stories! Besides, you need experience to write those. Either experience, or a very good imagination ;) and I only have the latter...but it's focused in other aspects of writing.) will be Momo Hinamori and Toshiro Hitsugaya...hence the title of this blog post, Heat and Ice.
See you later! Confer with Hyourinmaru and Tobiume!

Friday, July 2, 2010


When I hear songs, I think about what the singer was trying to show us through the music. Most songs are driven by love, whether it's love returned or unrequited love, and it makes me think that most artists seem hypocritical because all of their songs are driven by love. If that's not really the sign of a fickle heart, then what is? Or at least it's a sign that not all love is real. That's definitely what they mean. And then I think about how you have to believe in love to fall in it. Or something like that. What do I know? I'm just a girl who hasn't done anything with anyone- I still haven't had my first kiss yet.

Only me...

I'm the only person I know who forgot about butter. Once, I was trying to make chocolate chip cookies from scratch and the recipe advised me to 'melt' the butter down slightly. So I stuck it in the microwave and heated it up...and forgot it in the bowl... I baked them but the cookies were dry and powdery on the inside. I threw the whole batch away and didn't realize what had happened until my mother opened the microwave up and asked, "Why is there so much butter in here?"
This came back to me because I decided to make some more today ;)
I'm a total Runescape nerd...or at least I was. I still am, but I've kind of lost time for it during the school year. I made time for the holiday quests, though. I've never missed one since I've joined, except for the Easter one...I was busy with AP studying...Oh, and I haven't been a member...yet. My reasoning is, once I'm done leveling with the stuff that I can do, then I'll upgrade. Although I've already finished all of the free-player quests.
Ha, I'm typing all of this while video-chatting with a friend of mine...She doesn't know I'm doing this. We're both working on science fair, but I think I can handle multitasking.

Monday, June 14, 2010


I'm not somebody very noticeable. In school, I'm the nerd. The one who does all her homework. The one that finishes classwork in time. The one that the teachers adore. And the one that hates it all.
Stereotypes are common and we all stereotype people. I do it too, and I'm surprised and ashamed when it turns out that I couldn't have been more wrong about the person. Just because I know one facet of somebody doesn't mean that I know them, almost certainly not well enough to judge them. I'll use the example of this girl in my band. She's a percussionist, and I'm a double reed (she's in the drum/xylophone part, and I'm an oboe) and for marching band, we were both in the Front Ensemble, also known as the Pit. I don't know why it's the Pit, it just is. One of our weird band things ;)
Anyway, this girl is a really good student- let's call her E. E. was (school year's over) our Pit Captain and she was a model student, but she was still nice to everyone. All I knew of her was contained in that one class period where we played and she helped us honorary percussionists (double reeds...) how to make pretty music with the marimbas. And that was all well and good. I'd seen her, spoken to her a lot, and I thought I kind of knew what she was like. Then I saw that she was in two of my other classes, French and Humanities. And I saw her interacting with her friends (not that she hated us- she didn't know any of us very well, that's all...) and I was surprised because she was smiling and laughing and talking a lot more than she talked to us. And I saw how she had different sides to her.
Most people have different sides to them, personalities that not everyone is aware about. Maybe it's your significant other that sees a side of you that nobody else has? Or maybe you can let loose with your friends and show them the true you. Either way, I can't claim that I let myself be myself with everybody, all the time. Can you?


Yeah, yeah, I know that I said I disliked fangirls, right? Wrong. I dislike rabid Twilight fangirls that faint and hyperventilate (not necessarily in that order XD). I am most definitely a fangirl. I'm a Bleach girl, and don't you forget it. But for any Bleach follower, I must confess something, if you won't hurt me.
*cringe* I'm...I'm just a pathetic girl...who watches the anime instead of reading the manga...and it isn't even the subbed- it's the English dub! I know, it's sad... but I can't ever find the manga without buying it (and even if I had the money, 30+ volumes is a lot :/) and I like hearing their voices. Even worse (if that's possible) is that I'm still only around episode 80, with the Bount apart from me following Bleach third-hand, I'm still not even caught up. But I'm working on it.
So, about my fangirlyness... I like the couples...and fluff. couples are:
Ichigo/Rukia (IchiRuki is here to stay, sorry all you IchiHime people. And you Rukia/Kaien people, remember Miyako!)
Byakuya/Renji (so much potential...)
Yoruichi/Soifon (hmm, can't decide who Yoru should be with, but I like her to be with Soifon. Urahara's just fine with his weird shop ;) besides, Soifon adores her!)
Hitsugaya/Karin (I like this pair, odd as it is.)
Hitsugaya/Hinamori (Although I won't say no to this-tee hee!)
Kyoraku/Nanao (so much flirting...)
Kyoraku/Ukitake (I saw this somewhere, and I thought 'why not?')
And that's all I can think of now...
Bleach characters that I like/possibly fear/am intrigued by:
Toshirou Hitsugaya (he's one of my favorite characters)
Yachiru (she plainly scares me...but I love watching her omake chapters when she messes with Byakuya!)
Nanao (I like her! She's nice and she has guts.)
Soifon (I don't know why, but I really like her. Could be due to the whole flashback/breakdown with Yoruichi?)
Yoruichi herself (I love her teasing...and if you haven't seen Byakuya as a teen interact with her, you should!)
Byakuya himself (I like him. That's enough.)

And I'll stop this Bleach rant now.
Nitwit, blubber, oddment, tweak. Thank you.
Points to you (and maybe homemade brownies [if you haven't guessed, I like to bake a lot] too) if you recognize the quote! Too many people watch _____ ______ instead of reading it.

A Note

I've been looking around, and I know that my meager blog isn't that much to offer. I'm only a lowly kid with a laptop, Internet, and a will. God, that was strange. And poetic? It reminded me of the speeches that are made in literature and movies to 'inspire' kids. But really, I'm just a girl on her laptop, putting her thoughts out for the world to see. And no, I don't talk about myself in third person a lot.

Stephenie Meyer

What kind of woman dreams about a sparkling vampire with his human girlfriend in a meadow, discussing their relationship? Stephenie Meyer does (and she's married!)! You've probably ALL heard about her, if you don't, then you probably live under a blessedly oblivious rock.
Although, I can't say that I have much against her. All she did was write a book that became famous, added sequels, and optioned the rights for a movie and a graphic novel off. And honestly, if you were in that position, wouldn't you do that too? What I do hold against her is that I do not like her writing style, at least in the Twilight Saga. It could be because Bella's personality isn't the kind that I like reading first person in? I mean, honestly, for almost the entirety of New Moon, she's in a zombie-like state because her vampire boyfriend left. I understand that it was emotional, yes, but that's a bit much. Probably because now I've grown up a little and don't really believe in that kind of effortless romance anymore.
But I do really dislike the hordes of rabid fangirls. I mean, really! Taylor Lautner got asked by a girl's mom to sign her young daughter's underwear. And he's not even playing the principle role- although by the look of things, her fans like Jake a whooole lot more than Edward. Did you know that the two most popular baby names of 2009 were Isabella and Jacob? I only know because I was perusing for suitable names for my own story. All I have to say about that is that I pity kindergarten teachers in about four-five years. Actually, I pity all teachers that'll teach in the next twenty to twenty-three years. How many Bellas and Jakes will there be? Who knows?
Back to the actors. Honestly, Robert Pattinson was okay in Twilight. Just okay. He was so much better in Goblet of Fire- I think it had something to do with how he was pretty much a minor named character who died at the end. Okay, kidding, that was a bit harsh. But seriously, he played Cedric better than he did Edward. Taylor Lautner seems to have done a pretty good Jacob, even though he worked out and put a ton of weight on. I also heard thoughts that he used steroids? I wouldn't know... And now, on to Kristen Stewart. She may look Bella brought to life, but can she act? Not really...but then again, that's my opinion. She seems to fumble a bit though, and in New Moon, her 'screams' during the nightmares weren't convincing, they were slightly disturbing. And they just sounded plain wrong. That wasn't really a scream- it was a high-pitched croak. And because she's a girl, her fashion and sense of style is fair game too. I'll be the first one to say that I don't know much about clothes- clean and comfortable is how I go- but even I can see that she doesn't make the best decisions. And even when she wears something somewhat nice, she ruins it with either her heavy wanna-be goth make-up or her slouching posture. But I'm sure she's a nice person... I hope she and Rob are happy together- speaking of which, how are things in couple-land? I don't keep up with gossip either... I still remember when the joke of the two Taylors was the funniest thing around: If Taylor Swift marries Taylor Lautner, then they'll both be Taylor Lautner!
But I don't mind beind out of the loop.
Bon nuit, bon apres-midi, et bon matin!
PS: French for good night, good afternoon, and good morning- I'm taking it in school ;)

Monday, June 14th

Huh, interesting day today...
You know what I learned today? Fourteen-year-olds can be charged for theft under $50 by their teachers for stealing a half-gallon of orange juice worth $3.
No, it wasn't me...I swear! Would I be here blogging about it if it was? Maybe...
It was at Teen Court- where teens defend and prosecute other teens while a jury (also teen) decides the punishment (AKA, community service hours) while a judge (not a teen) presides over it all.
And one case was that of a kid who pulled a prank gone wrong...

Mondays used to be such bad news. Now they're almost bearable. In fact, I rather like them. A pleasant change, to be alone instead of constantly with company- I've found that I'm rather busy on the weekends. Science fair is taking an enormous amount of time...
I'll leave you now, with a good morning, good afternoon, and good night!
PS: When I use big words, it's not to sound stuck-up or hoity toity. It's because the longer words describe what I'm talking about so much better than the less advanced words.

The Au Pairs series by Melissa De La Cruz

Hot, sexy, fun-to-read beach pieces. It details the lives of three teen girls living in the Hamptons for summer- how do they keep up with the boys and the babysitting? The Au Pairs, Skinnydipping, Sunkissed, and Crazy Hot.

The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare

First up, the Mortal Instruments series. City of Bones, City of Ashes, and City of Glass, with a soon-to-be sequel, City of Fallen Angels. This is a really good fantasy book set in New York. It's got action, romance, adventure, humor, and hot guys. But seriously, this is a good teen fiction series filled with angst and romance. Follow Clarissa Fray as she discovers a hidden world in New York.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


I read a lot... it's one of my main hobbies, although other than books, I have a love of manga (and anime!) and I'm on a lot. For those of you that don't know-, probably one of my favorites sites. It's up there with Youtube and Blogger, alongside Runescape (although that was a while ago...).
My reading 'likes and dislikes' are pretty spaced out. I'll read most fiction, and I especially like fantasy. I will read nonfiction sometimes, but I generally prefer fiction. I'll probably clutter my blog up with recommendations and reviews- but that's just me.
I write. I have a lot of works-in-progress now, meaning I have ideas, I just haven't written them down all...
As old-lady-ish as it sounds, I knit. I haven't made anything huge yet, like a sweater, but I have made scarves and cushions and I'm working on a bag right now. I sew too, but that's mainly designing my own T-shirts. I also make a lot of my own jewelry- it's fun and I can customize!
I might as well put it up here- another of my hobbies is staying up late. I don't know why, but I think so much better when I'm alone in my room and it's dark outside.
Nighttime sharpens, heightens each sensation. Darkness stirs, and wakes imagination.
Totally quoting from Phantom- it's true, I'm a phan- but it really describes how I feel.

About Me

In case any of you curious readers (ha...who am I kidding?) were wondering what I look like...
I'm either 5'3 or 5'4. Probably 5'3 1/2.
I have brown eyes, which are usually hidden behind glasses during summer and weekends because I honestly can't be bothered to put contacts on (on? in?). I do have them, I'm just not wearing them now... On an interesting side note, my dad (I'm not sure why...) looked at me when I got my contacts and said, "You have really long eyelashes... I guess I never saw them because your eyes were hidden.".
My hair, however, is boring, plain, and lacks personality. It's black but shows hints of dark brown in sunlight (one of the only interesting things about it) and is till my mid-back. And it's not curly nor is it straight...not really wavy, either. It's straight at the top, then curls haphazardly near the bottom.
I guess I'm thin? I'm really active and I exercise, and I have a good metabolism, so...that's pretty much it for my physical appearance.

My Life Story? Personal Info.

Okay, so I'm pretty new to this whole blogging thing. This blog'll vary from silly to sarcastic to serious, depending on my mood. My name (initials, really) are SKS, but occasionally I'll sign as Magickless. Those are my two 'Internet aliases'...if you could call me important enough to have an alias.
I'm a teen and I'm still in high school (I'm not sure whether that's good or bad) and currently it's summer break here! Sadly, I'm not doing much...
Off the top of my head, these are some things about me: I read. A lot. I have various bookcases in my house that my parents complain (goodnaturedly) about. I like to write too, but I haven't really written much of anything. I play the oboe (I'm taking a break from it for a while...undetermined.) and I was interesting in taking up the viola or the violin- I'm leaning towards violin, simply because I'll be playing for fun. I'm in martial arts, currently two belt levels away from black. I skipped a grade, so I'm a year younger than all the others in my grade. I'm double-jointed in my fingers, wrists, elbows, and shoulders. I can also do the 'turtle', as I've dubbed it; that yoga pose where you get both of your legs behind your head from the front? I call it that because I always end up on my back. My mind works differently- or I'm just different, I guess. I really like being me, though. I'll work out math problems or just any problems that come up, it's kind of hard to explain. I have an engineer's mind, though. My two top career aptitude test results were 1. Engineer and 2. Fiction writer and I was surprised at that... My legs are very much closed, if you get my drift. I've kind of given up on my generation, and I have two futures in my mind.
And now, if anyone's still reading- you deserve homemade chocolate chip cookies baked from scratch. I'm going to go make some now- yum.